Student Pledge:
As a child of God at Saint James Catholic School, I will show Respect and Obey the rules. I will be Compassionate, Kind, and Empathetic to all. I will tell the Truth and practice Self-control. Today, I will be the best Saint James ROCKET that I can be!
Faith Formation
- Daily Prayers – Prayer to Saint Michael, The Angelus, Act of Contrition
- Weekly mass
- Sacramental preparation
- Confessions
- Stations of the Cross
- Christmas Pageants
- Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help & the Rosary
- School Wide Religion Bee

Virtue Formation
- Virtue of the Month
- Reverence, Respect, Obedience, Compassion, Kindness, Empathy, Truthfulness, and Self-Control
- Disciple of the Month: A student from each class receives this award for being an outstanding example of the month’s virtue