
Welcome to the Saint James School Clinic
703-533-1182 ext. 107

  • The clinic is staffed by a full time RN. 
  • Clinic hours are from 7:40-3pm during the school year. Hours over school breaks will vary.
  •  The clinic line is available 24/7 via answering machine.  Messages are password protected and checked daily.

Sick Policy:

  • In order to decrease the spread of illness, we ask that sick students stay home.  A sick child is not able to focus on schoolwork and be productive.  If your child is sick in school, they will be sent home until symptoms have improved.  A sick child must be picked up within an hour of the school contacting the parent.  They must be fever-free without medication for 24 hours, and no vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours, before returning to school.
  • Per the Parent/Student Handbook, if a child misses a day of school, a reason must be provided.  When reporting an absence, please communicate the reason.  If your child is sick, please provide symptoms for the school clinic.
  •  If a child misses 3 or more days for medical reasons, please contact the school nurse to provide an update.  All communicable illness must be reported to the school within 24 hours.  If your child tests positive for the flu, COVID-19, strep, or any other contagious illness or disease, please notify the school within 24 hours. 
  • COVID testing will no longer be required for ill symptoms, this decision will be made by the parent.  Student that test positive for COVID are no longer required to quarantine but must follow the school sick policy.  The sick policy states a student must be fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication and have improved symptoms.  If a student has a frequent cough, constant runny nose, sore throat or conjunctivitis, they should stay home until the symptoms have resolved.  

Thank you for all your support and cooperation!

Clare Campbell RN, BSN
(703)533-1182 x 107

Common questions and concerns regarding School Health

The Nurse is responsible for the:

  • Monitoring the overall health and wellness of the school community
  • Management of all medications and special care procedures that are medically necessary at school
  • Triage for students who may become ill during the school day
  • Assessment of injuries that occur during school hours
  • Maintenance of  school medical records for students in compliance with Virginia state law
  •  Training of school staff in areas of allergy, asthma, diabetes and seizure management in the classroom
  • Analyzing current health research and its application to the school community
  • Implementing policy change related to health and education in the school community

All research shows that healthy and happy children learn best, retain more and have overall better outcomes in school.  By updating the clinic on any physical or mental health changes your child is encountering, you are empowering that integral relationship between health, learning and success!  

Open communication allows all of us at Saint James to work as a dynamic team.  This will ensure the best possible approach for all of your child’s needs.  Please copy the nurse on all emails to teachers regarding your child’s health.

  • All NEW students must show proof of physical exam by an MD or licensed health care provider within 1 year prior to Saint James start date, MCH-213 Virginia School Health Form*.  New students may NOT begin school without this completed form. We do not need a copy of this form with each year your child receives a physical unless a new health concern arises.  This concern can also be noted on the health update form that goes out at the beginning of each school year.
  • Tuberculosis Screening or PPD placed within 1 year prior to Saint James start date.
  • Up-to-date Immunization Record or Vaccination Exemption Form.
  • Severe Allergy, Asthma, Diabetes or Seizure management will require additional forms. Please contact the nurse directly or see links on the school website.
  • Any student with medication that will need to be administered on a daily or on an as needed basis will require additional paperwork*

At 12 years of age, the CDC recommends all students receive an updated Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis booster vaccine (TDAP) and a Meningococcal vaccine. 

Virginia State law requires that all entering 7th grade students show proof of TDAP and Meningococcal immunizations by 1st day of school regardless of prior school enrollment. 

NO 7th grade student will be allowed to start their 7th grade school year without proof of these vaccinations or medical exemption on record with the school clinic.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is also required for both boys and girls by Virginia State for this age group. Virginia State Law requires that all students start the HPV vaccination series prior to 7th grade but parents may opt out of this vaccine without providing additional documentation at this time.

If your child will not be eligible for the TDAP vaccine until after school starts, your primary care practitioner/licensed provider must provide a written statement that your child is medically exempt from the TDAP vaccine. This medical exemption must also include the date your child will be eligible to receive vaccine.  You must provide this documentation to the school clinic before your child will be allowed to start their 7th grade year.  You will be required to follow up and provide proof of vaccination as soon as your child is eligible to receive vaccination.

Again- NO 7th grade student will be allowed to start their 7th grade school year without proof of TDAP vaccination or medical exemption on record with the school clinic.

Any child with a temperature of 100 F or above, has had diarrhea, or has been vomiting in the past 24 hours, needs to stay home.  When returning to school your child must be symptom free for a full 24 hours without the aid of medications.

Children who are sick do not participate in activities, retain information, or process new material in a productive manner.   They need time to recuperate away from the school environment. Sending sick children to school could actually prolong their recovery time.

Yes.  All medications (even over the counter) that are necessary for school health and/or safety are kept in the clinic with all the appropriate documentation*.   If a medication can be given appropriately before or after school hours, this is recommended.  Medication given during school hours must be necessary.  The forms are ONLY valid for the school year they were written for, not one year from the date completed.  Each school year, new forms and medications will need to be provided.  Please ensure the medication will not expire during the year.

No medication will be stored at school in the clinic or given to a child without the appropriate documentation completed by a licensed provider. 

The clinic does not supply any prescription or over the counter medications for students.

On occasion, a licensed provider will deem a child able to “self- carry” his/her emergency medication.  In that case, the child may keep the medication with them BUT all appropriate documentation must still be on file in the clinic. 

No.  These products are sold over the counter but are still considered medications by the state of Virginia and the FDA.  These products will need appropriate documentation* from a licensed provider and will be kept in the clinic. 

The clinic does not supply any prescription or over the counter medications for students.

The Diocese of Arlington has implemented a Life Threatening Allergy Policy to protect students from exposure to allergens during the day.

Saint James does have children with life threatening allergies in each grade.  Tree nuts and peanuts are the most common allergy here at Staint James. 

We consider Saint James a “Nut Aware” school.  This means that we strongly request all parents pack individual student snacks that are free of peanuts/tree nuts.  Snacks are eaten in the classroom.   Lunch items may contain nuts as children with allergies sit together at a separate “nut free” table.   No food sharing is allowed in the cafeteria or in the classrooms in attempt to minimize allergen exposures.

Homemade treats and snacks for classroom celebrations and specials occasions are not permitted in the classrooms.  All food designated to be shared in class must be:

  • store bought/ commercially prepared
  • in original packaging
  • “Peanut/ tree nut free” clearly identified on the label.  Labels that state “manufactured in a facility with peanuts/ tree nuts or shares equipment with peanuts/tree nuts” are not allowed to be brought in to school.

Food that is brought into the class that does not meet these guidelines will not be permitted to be distributed to the students. 

If your child has a life threatening allergy that requires medication, please ensure you provide the medications and documentation* from MD each school year.

Lice provide no immediate health danger for your child but they are a huge nuisance!  If your child has nits or live lice they will need to be treated before they can return to school.  The clinic will check your child’s hair to determine what additional steps may need to be taken.

 Initial treatment of lice followed by daily combing is essential.  Just 1 nit that survives in the hair can start the whole process over again. 

For most routine visits, your child may update you what they came to the clinic for.  For higher level visits, requiring specialized treatment, an email is sent or a phone call made, to let you know that your student was seen and what action was taken.

For emergency visits, you will always be called using the phone numbers you provide to the school.  Please make sure to include notifying the nurse if any important phone numbers change.  While email is the most efficient way to communicate, there are laws that dictate what medical information can be included in electronic communication.  If the clinic is unable to reach you by phone, you may receive an email simply asking you to check your child’s backpack for a note or to call the clinic. 

General Clinic information will also be sent out in Wednesday folders occasionally and in the Friday Newsletter that is emailed out.   Please read these notices to learn updated information from the clinic or to be aware of illnesses and health concerns affecting our students. 

Saint James Catholic School
830 West Broad Street
Falls Church, VA 22046

Front Desk: 703-533-1182
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Copyright © 2025 Saint James Catholic School. All rights reserved.

Our school is administered by the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary from Immaculata, PA.